How to Achieve a State of Flow - Tiger Medical Institute

How to Achieve a State of Flow

10 minutes  to read
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“If you want to trigger flow, the challenge should be 4 percent greater than the skills.” ~ Steven Kotler

Understanding Flow

Flow is a state that we have all experienced at some point in our lives.

When we get immersed in one thing for an extended period, it seems like all else vanishes.

This state has also been called “getting in the zone” – predominantly by athletes.

When we enter a flow state, everything becomes easier. Our work productivity increases, and we can accomplish more in less time.

Below, we will review seven ways to enter a flow state – they are as follows:

  1. Have Clear Goals
  2. Eliminate Distractions
  3. Refrain from Multitasking
  4. Turn Off Your Phone
  5. Develop a Helpful Environment
  6. Understand When You Are Most Focused in the Day
  7. Do What Excites You

7 Ways to Enter a Flow State

1. Have Clear Goals

Getting into a flow state is tough when you aren’t sure what you want to accomplish.

Having clear goals will help you enter a state of flow because you have a specific objective to accomplish.

If you are writing a book, this could look like gathering all the appropriate resources for citations.

If you are a content creator, this could be accomplishing 1 article for the day.

Maybe you own your own business – this could look like having a stacked time of only doing sales calls.

Whatever the case, have clear goals up front and break those down into objectives that can be accomplished within each time block in your day.

2. Eliminate Distractions

It is tough to enter a state of flow if there are constant distractions.

Get rid of unnecessary tabs on your internet browser.

Refrain from going to a busy or loud place.

Keep your door closed for a specific time from people wanting to meet.

Get rid of paperwork and clutter on your desk.

You must set yourself up for success if you desire to enter into a flow state.

3. Refrain from Multitasking

There has been a plethora of data revealing that our work suffers when attempting to multitask.

The dangerous effects of what occurs when we multitask are devastating – not only on our productivity but also on cognitive functioning, blood pressure, depression, and anxiety.

Only focus on one thing at a time to enter a flow state.

4. Turn Off Your Phone

If you are ruled by your phone, must always have it nearby, and continually allow yourself to be sucked into the abyss of constant notifications, you will not enter a flow state.

It takes discipline and grace to get to the point of not being ruled by your phone.

Whenever you enter a work period, put your phone on silent, airplane mode, or “Do Not Disturb”. This will help you to keep your attention on the task at hand.

5. Develop a Helpful Environment

The proper environment is everything when entering a flow state.

Find the appropriate room to be locked away for a few hours.

When you figure out the best location, have specific tasks you will do for each place.

You may have a home office with both a desk and a couch. If this is the case, use the desk for writing and the couch for reading.

Refrain from having a messy environment. Clean up, be organized, and have a few things in the room that will spark creativity. This will give you the ability to enter a flow state!

6. Understand When You Are Most Focused in the Day

Not all of us are the same. Some of us do our best work early in the morning. For others, it is in the afternoon or evening.

Depending on our circadian rhythm and when we should go to bed, this will determine when we will do specific work.

For me, personally, my best-focused work is in the morning, while meetings and work that does not need as much in-depth concentration are for the afternoon.

Figure out when works best for you and when you are most alert and focused!

7. Do What Excites You

It is tough to enter a flow state when you are doing work that you do not enjoy.

Strive to fill your flow sessions with what motivates you and compels you to give it your best.

Of course, there is always work that needs to be done that we don’t enjoy. However, this does not mean we have to spend most of our lives doing that, which is demotivating.

Find your passions (which tend to correspond with our God-given gifts). Seek to embrace what must be done.

Do what excites you; you will be more prone to entering a flow state.

Next Steps to Achieving Flow

Now that we have reviewed seven different ways to enter a flow state, it is time to continue our journey to understanding flow and learning more in-depth about its benefits and how we can get in the zone on command.

Our team at Tiger Medical has the experience, clinical skills, and coaching acumen to help you enter a state of flow, set yourself up for success in achieving your goals, and get your health and energy back.

To talk to one of our professionals, click here to schedule your call!

For further reading, view the following articles on our learning center:

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Lance VanTine

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