Will Alzheimer’s Ever be Cured? - Tiger Medical Institute

Will Alzheimer’s Ever be Cured?

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“There are steps we can all take now to prevent the cognitive decline that experts have long believed to be unavoidable and irreversible.” ~ Dr. Dale Bredesen

The Tragedy of Alzheimer’s Disease Care

For many of us, the threat of developing Alzheimer’s Disease or among family members can be among the top looming concerns as we age.

Many of us fear the ‘worst case scenario’ of developing what we often see as a random and often unavoidable disease that will cause us to lose our mental capacities and live the latter part of our lives in a state of confusion and despair.

The truth is, the situation for many is tragic.

Alzheimer’s Disease has increased in prevalence, with a recent statistic showing approximately 10% of Americans over 65 have developed it.

Standard of Care

Adding insult to injury, the standard of care for Alzheimer’s disease is mainly ineffective. It typically involves a mono-therapy pharmaceutical that only addresses one of the many factors involved in the mechanism of disease progression.

These drugs show a marginal effect in preventing a decline in Alzheimer’s and, at best, may slow the progression by an acceptable margin.

When it comes to treatment, many are rendered hopeless and remain unable to carry out activities of daily living or continue work if still employed.

Many are left without insurance benefits if they have a diagnosis, and some individuals and their families are left destitute.

Is there a Better Way?

The current standard of care for Alzheimer’s Disease does not line up with 21st-century care for many other conditions.

We’ve eradicated many viral illnesses and effective treatments for many bacterial conditions, yet chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s have largely been neglected in the advancement of their care.

Cutting Edge Treatment Protocols

Research over decades from the Apollo Institute, spearheaded by Dr. Dale Bredesen, a Neurologist and globally recognized expert in the field of Alzheimer’s treatment prevention, has demonstrated that Alzheimer’s is largely preventable and treatment is possible.

Treatment plans involve the assessment of factors that lead to Alzheimer’s progression, of which there are many and the identification of the primary mechanism with which the illness has developed.

In terms of the prevention of Alzheimer’s and the treatment plans, they typically involve the components below to name some of the basics:

Regarding interventions, the above would comprise some of the fundamentals. However, it is a highly individualized and comprehensive system.

It is essential to mention that this system has been demonstrated over decades to be effective when implemented.

These protocols are effective in preventing Alzheimer’s when individuals are concerned about a higher probability of developing it and when the disease has begun its progression but is not in its late stages.

Future Possibilities and the Eradication of Alzheimer’s

Researchers and physicians from the Apollo Institute are constantly working to simplify and improve their systems.

They are working on more integration of artificial intelligence and technology to streamline further the identification of mechanisms behind disease development, as well as teasing out the most effective interventions on an individual level.

Just as viral illnesses like polio and smallpox have largely been eradicated, this next century is one where many believe we will make a dent in chronic disease prevention.

Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, Type II diabetes, osteoarthritis, and Alzheimer’s, are among the most deadly and ones where disease progression happens over months and years.

Lifestyle factors highly influence these diseases. They typically don’t have just one pharmaceutical intervention that is effective towards them, and so the body of research has been lacking.

Alzheimer’s disease, among other chronic illnesses, is highly influenced by lifestyle.

Except for a minority of cases, most young-onset Alzheimer’s cases are influenced by inflammation, stress, suboptimal sleep, and toxic exposures, to name a few factors.

If you want to assess your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease or are experiencing any new symptoms of cognitive decline, talking to Functional Doctor or certified health coach trained by the Apollo Institute is a great place to start.

We now know that if we catch the factors leading to the progression of Alzheimer’s early enough, we can not only stop it in its tracks but improve the health of all our body’s systems in the process.

It’s a win-win!

Next Steps to the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease

You have what it takes inside you to make a definite choice that will change the future trajectory of your health.

Our team at Tiger Medical has the experience, clinical skills, and coaching acumen to help you assess your risk for the development of Alzheimer’s and work preventively to put you on a trajectory toward longevity and away from disease progression.

To talk to one of our professionals, click here to schedule your call!

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