Why Am I So Tired and Have No Energy? - Tiger Medical Institute

Why Am I So Tired and Have No Energy?

9 minutes  to read
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“And there are just a few “ingredients” needed to make a healthy human—real, whole, fresh food, nutrients (vitamins and minerals), light, water, air, sleep, movement, rhythm, love, connection, meaning, and purpose” ~ Mark Hyman, The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now!

Why Am I So Tired?

Fatigue is typically reported as the most common symptom in primary care physicians’ offices, so as a starter, know that you’re not alone in trying to get to the bottom of it.

When it comes to the complex factors influencing fatigue, it can be hard to pick apart its route cause.

After assessing where you stand on some of the foundations of health affecting your energy levels (sleep, diet, movement, and stress), your next step would be assessing your overall health status, and ruling out underlying conditions with a healthcare provider.

Below are some of the main reasons for fatigue and tiredness, which may be a starting point in getting you on a path to better energy and vitality:

Lack of Sleep

If you are not getting enough sleep, it can lead to fatigue and lack of energy. A typical adult requires 7-9 hours of sleep per night for optimal functioning.

Having a regular sleep schedule and avoiding caffeine or alcohol later in the day, along with learning the basics of sleep hygiene, are often factors that go a long way in optimizing your sleep over time.

If you’re unsure where to start on your sleep optimization journey, check out Matthew Walker’s book ‘Why we Sleep’. It’s been an inspiration to many, in a sleep deprived society.

Poor Diet

Eating a diet that is high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can lead to feeling sluggish and tired.

Taking into account food sensitivities with a functional MD or ND and keeping your blood sugar relatively stable through dietary changes, can make a big difference for some with lingering fatigue.

Increasing protein and a ‘low glycemic’ low blood sugar diet can make a big difference in your energy levels throughout the day as well.

Incorporating more whole foods, and fruits and vegetables into your diet can also increase the nutritional value of the calories you’re taking in, leading to improvements in energy levels.

Sedentary Lifestyle

If you’re not getting enough physical activity, it can lead to fatigue and lack of energy.

Incorporating movement into your day, such as walking and stretching exercises can be a great way to start, if your energy stores are running low.


Chronic stress can lead to feelings of exhaustion and fatigue. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.

Stress management practices can be highly personal in nature, and self-awareness of your stressors and coping strategies is a great way to get in touch with what activities and people to lean on when stress becomes overwhelming.


An often overlooked factor in low energy levels is the quality of your personal relationships.

Fatigue can in some cases be a sign of a draining intimate relationship, so keeping your mental, physical and relational health in mind when it comes to energy levels is key.

If you suspect that a partner relationship may be playing a part in your lack of energy, consider reaching out to a counselor or mental health professional.

Mental Health Conditions

Many mental health conditions, and even their pharmacological treatments, can lead to low energy.

Common conditions like underlying depression and anxiety can both cause fatigue as a primary symptom.

If you suspect you may be struggling with an unaddressed mental health condition, make sure to seek assistance with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, licensed psychotherapist, or psychiatrist if needed.

Adjunct care with a functional ND or MD with a focus on mental health can also be a supportive avenue to explore.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions such as anemia, thyroid disorders, and chronic fatigue syndrome, can cause fatigue and lack of energy.

If your symptoms persist, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical issues.

Next Steps to Get Your Energy Back

When it comes to low energy and fatigue, ensuring you have the foundations of sleep, nutrition, and movement down is a great place to start.

After considering relationships and stress, assessing for any underlying health concerns would be the next step.

You have what it takes inside you to make a definite choice that will change the future trajectory of your health.

Our team at Tiger Medical has the experience, clinical skills, and coaching acumen to help you get your health and energy back.

To talk to one of our professionals, click here to schedule your call!

For further reading, view the following articles on our learning center:

Dr. Adilia Kreps

Dr. Adilia Kreps

Naturopathic Physician

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