The Top 5 Health Tips of All Time - Tiger Medical Institute

The Top 5 Health Tips of All Time

6 minutes  to read
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“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn

The Importance of Healthy Habits

If we do not put taking care of ourselves at the forefront, we will be unable to help others properly long-term.

Eventually, when we allow ourselves to get away with not implementing healthy habits, we will decrease productivity, health, and overall well-being.

Our work will suffer. Our relationships won’t be as strong. We won’t feel ourselves, and eventually, we will become ill mentally, emotionally, and physically.

If you are reading this article, you are looking for the top ways to remain healthy to feel your best, look your best, and perform your best!

Below we will be reviewing the top 5 healthy tips of all time. These include:

  1. Keep Insulin Normal
  2. Fasting
  3. Get Healthy to Lose Weight
  4. Do Healthy Keto
  5. Exercise/Sleep for Stress Reduction

The Top 5 Health Tips of All Time

1. Keep Insulin Normal

This consists of removing vegetable oils and using more saturated oils (coconut oil, fat from butter, etc.).

Strive to have low carbs and moderate protein, and higher amounts of fat.

To get healthy, you have to have things low – not in moderation, but low.

Any diet that helps lower insulin will help you increase your health.

Diets that lower it more will bring forth more benefits.

The diets that raise insulin are not good. Strive to learn how fats burn and what hormones do what, as this will help you understand whether your diet will increase or lower insulin.

2. Fasting

Don’t consume breakfast so you can increase your fasting.

Instead of losing calories, decrease the frequency of eating and reframe from snacking.

Whenever we snack, we stimulate insulin.

Strive to find a time frame at which you allow yourself to eat.

3. Get Healthy to Lose Weight

Don’t lose weight to get healthy. Get healthy to lose weight.

Instead of focusing on your weight, focus on getting healthy, and you will lose weight as a byproduct.

When you restrict calories, you slow your metabolism, and you also cut nutrients. If you get on a healthy nutrition plan, you increase your nutrients and fuel.

4. Do Healthy Keto

There are zero benefits in consuming certain foods, so strive to increase the quality of your ingredients (organic, grass-fed, well-caught) and consume foods that are high in nutrients.

5. Exercise/Sleep for Stress Reduction

Reducing stress can be done through the following:

Diaphragmatic Breathing – see our article, What Makes Diaphragmatic Breathing so Important? Adequate Sleep – see our article, Not Sleeping Well? 20 Tips to Getting Better Sleep Proper Exercise – see our article, What are the Benefits of Walking

Next Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

Now that we have reviewed the top 5 healthy tips of all time, it is now time to understand how to implement these tips.

Our team at Tiger Medical has the experience, clinical skills, and coaching acumen to help you get your health and energy back.

To talk to one of our professionals, click here to schedule your call!

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