What is the Best Doctor for Diabetes? - Tiger Medical Institute

What is the Best Doctor for Diabetes?

8 minutes  to read
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“People with high blood pressure, diabetes - those are conditions brought about by life style. If you change the life style, those conditions will leave.” - Dick Gregory

Approximately 38 million American adults suffer from the chronic condition known as Type II diabetes – that is 1 in 10 Americans!

Typically, onset occurs at 45 and older due to lifestyle choices that compound over time into diabetes. Chronic stress is also a contributor.

The best doctor for diabetes is based on your primary goal.

Management of the disease will lead you to your traditionally trained primary care physician who will prescribe insulin. From there, you comply, and your condition should stabilize.

If you aim to improve your condition by managing your AIC levels, then an integrative or functional medicine doctor will be a better choice.

Even if you go this route, seek care first from your primary care physician. Medication is likely necessary to manage your AIC levels while you consider other options, such as a functional medicine approach.

This article examines three significant points around the subject of diabetes:

  1. Can I Reverse Diabetes?
  2. What is the Best Doctor for Diabetes?
  3. How Does Tiger Medical Help with Diabetes?

Can I Reverse Diabetes?

You cannot cure diabetes. However, you can reverse your AIC levels and improve your current and long-term health through lifestyle changes and new health habits.

Doctors of all training will make good suggestions about what those lifestyle changes should be.

The bottom line is this: if you want reversal, you must take ownership of your health rather than relying on the health care system and medications to do it for you.

What is the Best Doctor for Diabetes?

If your goal is reversal, then a trained functional or integrative medicine physician is an excellent choice. This type of physician will look for the root causes of your diabetes and have the time to help you implement habit and lifestyle changes.

These changes include stress management techniques, changes in your nutrition patterns, sleep improvement, daily movement, and more.

Functional medicine physicians are trained in a holistic approach that examines the whole person and the environmental influencers such as family dynamics, occupation, and other burdens such as toxins or mold in the home.

How Can Tiger Medical Help with Diabetes?

If you work with Tiger Medical staff, you will establish an extensive medical data baseline to establish the truth about your health.

Testing will establish information in all the areas mentioned above to form a holistic picture of your current health and provide clues to the underlying mechanisms leading to your pre-diabetes or full-blown diabetes.

From this mosaic of health data, Tiger clinicians connect the dots from all testing and imaging to create a personalized medical treatment plan and lifestyle modifications to help reverse your condition. There is no cure. You can, however, vastly improve your A1C through root-cause medical interventions and lifestyle changes.

Tiger clinicians understand the identification and treatment of diabetes and pre-diabetes and have successfully helped individuals with reversal.

What Are My Next Best Steps?

If, based on the information you have reviewed here on our website, you feel Tiger is a good fit, then the next best step is to go here to book a call with a Tiger Professional.

In this first call, the meeting is about learning your history, struggles, and goals. We want to ensure that you are a good fit for our program and that our Tiger team can help you resolve your challenges.

A faster step is to consider Tiger’s Health Assessment for $497. This is a way to learn where you are today to fully inform your decision to work with Tiger or not. You can go here: Health Assessment.

Finally, if you just aren’t ready, go to our Learning Center and review articles that speak to your concern about chronic disease and diabetes.

Regardless of where you are, do something today to begin your journey to optimal health!

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

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