What Doctor Should I See for Exercise? Receiving a Customized Personalized Program - Tiger Medical Institute

What Doctor Should I See for Exercise? Receiving a Customized Personalized Program

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“True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.” Wilhelm von Humboldt

Exercise in Middle Age

Each morning when I arise early, I never feel like going to the gym or using my workout mirror.

I’m solidly in middle age, and everything is harder. Can you relate?

My guess is yes.

According to the Gallup organization health survey, the likelihood of exercising frequently and vigorously is most common among younger Americans and decreases substantially with age.

Two in three adults aged 18 to 29 fall into the high or medium exercise categories. This compares with 52% of 30-to-49-year-olds, 41% of 50-to-64-year-olds, and 32% of adults aged 65 and older.

My personal experience mirrors these numbers. As I’ve aged (I’m 59 as of this writing), my desire and willingness to move daily has declined.

How have I overcome this natural inclination to coast? Personalization.

In this article, we will review:

  1. What Doctors Can Help Me With A Workout Plan?
  2. How Does Tiger Medical Personalize My Workout Plan?
  3. What is the Process for Tiger Medical Institute?

What Doctors Can Help Me With A Workout Plan?

An excellent first step is to visit your local primary care physician and get an annual physical. Let your doctor know you will be embarking on a consistent workout routine, and ask them what their warnings are or any limitations they want you to observe.

Unfortunately, personalization won’t be in the cards given the traditional medical system, so you need to dig deeper.

After visiting your primary care physician, a second option to explore further is to meet with a functional medicine doctor – a licensed medical professional practicing root cause medicine.

Functional doctors are holistic, looking for root causes that drive how you feel.

Are you feeling anxious all the time? Are you exhausted when you wake up? You will want to resolve these things with a functional doctor; otherwise, your energy will be lacking to work out, and you’ll fail in your health goals.

Finally, Tiger Medical Institute offers a very advanced, in-depth solution to personalization.

A Tiger doctor is a licensed medical professional. They practice functional, root-cause medicine and can resolve the underlying factors that prevent you from working out consistently. How do we do this? See below.

How Does Tiger Medical Personalize Your Exercise Plan?

Tiger Medical Institute is a specialty medical clinic focused on advanced restorative medicine.

Our focus is on the driven individual who has achieved success but feels their health has been compromised and wants to get ahead of any severe issues proactively.

Tiger employs a three-step process with each patient that has proven to work repeatedly in resolving underlying causes of anxiety, poor energy, and focus. These will work against your goal of establishing a successful workout plan.

Deficient physiology, sleep, and eating patterns contribute to a lack of zeal to exercise. These symptoms keep you from showing up as the best version of yourself and sap personal productivity and potentially negatively impact the number of years you are healthy and experience vitality.

Bottom line: low energy = failed workout plans.

What is the Process for Tiger Medical Institute?

Here is how Tiger Medical helps:

  1. Test for underlying mechanisms driving how you feel.
  2. Customize treatment and lifestyle changes specifically to help reverse your current condition.
  3. Partner with your Tiger doctor and health coach to implement the plan for a year!

Tiger Medical employs advanced tests to view your health profile comprehensively. You complete a health history survey, and our doctor review, interview, and customize your testing based on what they learn about you.

We customize your health recovery path from test results, including a workout plan that works for how you were made. You then enter into the Tiger Medical process that generates results consistently over time.

Additionally, Tiger has a Certified Personal Trainer on staff to customize workouts for you.

You can go here to learn from previous Tiger clients how our approach worked for them!

Lastly, it is essential to understand Tiger Medical is not primary care. We recommend that you first seek your local doctor’s opinion, remain under the supervision of your primary care doctor, and augment their care with a specialty clinic like Tiger when it makes sense.

Your Next Best Steps

If, based on the information you have reviewed here in our article and on our website, you feel Tiger Medical is a good fit, then the next best step is to go here to book an assessment call with a Tiger Professional.

In this first call, the meeting is about learning your history, struggles, and goals. This is a valuable assessment process that aids you in deciding if one of Tiger’s programs works to meet your needs.

We want to ensure that you are a good fit for our program and that our Tiger team can help you resolve your challenges.

It’s time to make yourself patient number one and embrace self-care.

The first step in that process is to meet with us to learn how!

For further reading, view the following articles on our learning center:

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

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