What Are the Effects of Chronic Stress? Who Can Help - Tiger Medical Institute

What Are the Effects of Chronic Stress? Who Can Help

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“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” - William James

What Are the Effects of Chronic Stress? Who Can Help

Is Your Nervous System Working For or Against You?

We live in an exponentially changing world. Multiple technologies are rapidly advancing, changing the nature of work itself, leading to significant stress for anyone who isn’t hands-on customer-facing (such as a barber).

Add to this our social media-saturated life, where we all see white-washed lives that sow discontent and comparison in our hearts.

Our culture demands always on and available access to our lives. Is it a wonder mental health disorders and chronic diseases are steadily becoming worse?

What if you could learn to transcend your circumstances in the moment? What if stress could be disarmed anytime you choose? Read on, and you will learn how and who can help you dial this in and become independent of the changing winds of the moment, releasing fear and anxiety in the process!

This article covers three main ideas:

  1. What Are The Causes of Chronic Stress?
  2. How Can I Disarm Stress on Demand?
  3. Three Options for Help Solving Chronic Stress.

What are the Causes of Chronic Stress?

Have you ever wondered why your dog can shake off the stress of someone knocking at your door and fall back asleep, but your argument with your spouse keeps you up at night?

It has to do with the fact animals are instinctual and one with their environment. They respond to the stress, deal with it, and then return to recovery or rest.

As humans, we have the unique feature of consciousness. Not only can we assess a threat and deal with it, but we can also filter the stress and label it, regardless of whether it’s accurate. We can choose to hold on or move on; we can decide to worry or not about the future and create anticipatory stress.

This ability to create a story in our mind is a subject you want to understand to know how to implement changes in your life. Failure to learn how to manage your stress leads to chronic disease, which works against your desire and ability to perform at an elite level.

The beginning of your journey to eliminate chronic stress starts with understanding the role of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).

This is critical because extensive research has validated the notion that an imbalanced ANS leads to chronic disease, impaired cognitive function, and suppressed immune response. In other words, an out-of-balance ANS over the long term can potentially kill you.

The ANS is a network of cells that controls the body’s internal state. It regulates and supports many different internal processes, often outside of a person’s conscious awareness.

This occurs to maintain internal balance, which is referred to as homeostasis. Hence, your external monitoring system measures and senses what you are facing to keep you in balance with your environment.

How Can I Disarm Stress on Demand?

Let’s begin with a definition of stress that is simple to understand. Dr. Bruce McEwen, professor of Neuroendocrinology at Rockefeller University, states: “Stress is a brain and body response aimed at promoting adaptation on the face of real or imagined threats to a person’s homeostasis.”

The surest method is to learn the practice of diaphragmic breathing.

At Tiger Medical, we recommend a 4 x 6 pattern, which activates your recovery mechanism.

Whenever you feel stressed, stop, do 3-5 minutes of this breathing, following the 4 x 6 pattern, and you’ll habitually disarm stress on demand. By doing this, you are cutting off the biochemical process that are sowing the seeds of future chronic disease.

Three Options for Help Solving Chronic Stress

1. Psychologists

Clinical psychologists can provide strategies to manage stress and the resulting cognitive load, especially when it leads to mental health issues like anxiety and stress.

They may employ cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to help individuals reframe their thought patterns and better manage cognitive stressors.

2. Counselors

Counselors can offer guidance on stress management and provide coping strategies.

They work with individuals to identify sources of cognitive overload and develop personalized techniques to mitigate it.

3. Physicians

Often, our inability to focus because of reduced mental energy and cognitive load can be caused by underlying health issues. Seeing a physician can eliminate causes of stress and mental fatigue that organization skills cannot.

Recognizing the signs of chronic stress and reaching out for support when needed to maintain optimal functioning is essential.

It’s vital to explore your unique root causes of chronic stress, and it should not be accepted as part of life. It can be addressed.

How Tiger Medical Can Help with Chronic Stress

Tiger Medical Institute has trained professionals who understand chronic stress and the underlying conditions that can contribute to stress and the resulting health problems that follow.

If you work with Tiger Medical staff, you will establish an extensive medical data baseline to establish the truth about your health.

Research is conclusive. It gives you an advanced understanding of your health and an edge as you pursue elite performance by eliminating chronic stress and its impact on your health and performance.

From this mosaic of health data, Tiger clinicians connect the dots from all testing and imaging to create a personalized medical treatment plan for you.

Tiger clinicians understand the drivers of optimal cellular health and will go to work treating the imbalances limiting your cellular health.

While completing testing and receiving a customized treatment plan, you’ll work with a health coach in consultation with Tiger doctors to help you implement the treatment plan and eight health habits.

These habits will naturally lower stress and empower you to thrive through any circumstances.

Tiger also has extensive content on strategies to lower stress load non-medically.

The root cause of your health imbalances will be identified in the testing, and a plan to address it successfully will be included in your personalized medical plan and health coaching.

When you make the changes our Tiger doctor and health coach recommends, you’ll find yourself energized by the knowledge you are on the right path to optimal health. You’ll lower stress, feel better, and enjoy greater performance benefits!

What Are My Next Best Steps?

If, based on the information you have reviewed here on our website, you feel Tiger is a good fit to help you lower your stress load, then the next best step is to go here to book a call with a Tiger Professional.

In this first call, the meeting is about learning your history, struggles, and goals. We want to ensure that you are a good fit for our program and that our Tiger team can help you resolve your challenges.

It’s time to make yourself patient number one and embrace self-care.

The first step in that process is to meet with us to learn how!

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

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