I Haven’t Slept in Days - What Should I Do If I Can’t Sleep? - Tiger Medical Institute

I Haven’t Slept in Days - What Should I Do If I Can’t Sleep?

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““I have two moods: Sleep is for the weak. I need to sleep for a week.”

I Haven’t Slept in Days - What Should I Do If I Can’t Sleep?

Am I Alone With My Sleep Problem?

Roughly 62% of adults worldwide feel that they don’t sleep well when they go to bed.

Here is another sobering thought…when you lose an hour or two of sleep per night, the effects are similar to pulling an all-nighter! So, you aren’t alone.

Sleep challenges are multi-layered and extremely common for middle-aged adults as the cumulative effects of life pile on, all working against consistently good sleep.

Since you are reading this article, it is assumed you have a sleep problem and just want to get to how you can resolve it.

If it were possible to restore your sleep completely, would you want to know how? Read on as this article will explain and discuss these three points:

  1. What are the steps to sleep improvement?
  2. What are the approaches to sleep improvement?
  3. How Tiger Medical address sleep problems

What are The Steps to Improving Sleep?

The very first step is to rule out Sleep Apnea.

You can ask your spouse or partner if they hear you stop breathing or snore at night. To be sure, you can request a sleep study from your primary care doctor, who will refer you to a sleep doctor. In-home apnea test kits also are available.

Once you’ve ruled out breathing problems that destroy sleep, it’s time to look at routines and habits. The timing of when you consume calories and drink fluids significantly impacts how you sleep.

Sleep hygiene relates to how you set yourself up for sleep each night.

For example, do you have a routine that signals your body to prepare for sleep? Have you eliminated devices from your room? Is the room temperature optimal for you to sleep?

There are many more. This gives you an idea of where to start.

The most comprehensive step that will give you great results is complete testing that includes genetics, hormone, gut biome, and other tests that provide a physician with a clear picture of your overall physiological state.

As you resolve imbalances or problems in your health, your sleep can improve.

What are the Approaches to Sleep Improvement?

The decision regarding approach comes down to your comfort level with traditional Western medicine vs. a functional root-cause approach to sleep problems.

Your primary care physician will likely approach the problem diagnostically, testing for sleep apnea, other airway obstructions, and perhaps mental health professional intervention.

All of this is good and can be effective in treating sleep disorders. Often, prescriptions are offered as an aide to achieving sleep improvements.

A functional doctor will also test for apnea and may suggest a dental professional to help resolve airway obstructions.

Genetic testing reveals if you have a predisposition to sleep disturbances and can be treated with tremendous precision to support your weaknesses in this area with over-the-counter supplements targeting your unique imbalances.

Additionally, hormone testing reveals if your cortisol levels are high or out of sync with property circadian rhythms, which will contribute to sleep disturbances.

The point is a comprehensive root cause methodology is utilized to find the driving mechanisms that cause your sleep to suffer.

How Does Tiger Medical Address Sleep Problems?

The Tiger system is functional, meaning our physician will approach the problem comprehensively.

Genetic testing is ordered to find predispositions to sleep disorders and treat them precisely with supplements.

Hormone testing helps you understand your cortisol levels.

Comprehensive blood and gut biome panels further evaluate your overall health and contribute to sleep interruption.

Tiger Medical also employs health coaches who teach you to self-regulate through stressful events to achieve nervous system balance. Our coaches also teach how to master sleep hygiene and caloric intake timing to support sleep further.

Our clinical team finds the best and most enduring solutions to sleep problems, including stress management, sleep hygiene, and comprehensive medical evaluation and treatment.

As your medical profile, habits, and stress management are improved, sleep improvement follows.

The bottom line is that if you have a sleep problem, the Tiger team will find out why and set you on a course to restore your sleep and help you regain the energy of yesteryear.

Next Steps to Regaining the Eye of the Tiger!

We have many success stories of restoring the sleep of driven professionals like you.

Our approach to sleep problems is a logical process that, if followed, works time and again.

It’s essential you know you CAN completely restore your sleep!

If, based on the information you have reviewed here on our website, you feel Tiger is a good fit, then the next best step is to go here to book a call with a Tiger Professional.

In this first call, the entire meeting is about learning your history, struggles, and goals. We want to be sure you are a good fit for our program and that our team can help you resolve your challenges.

The first step in that process is to meet with us to learn how!

For further reading, view the following articles on:

To talk to one of our professionals, click here to schedule your call!

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

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