What are the Pros and Cons of Taking Supplements? - Tiger Medical Institute

What are the Pros and Cons of Taking Supplements?

9 minutes  to read
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“SGetting all of the nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.” ~ Steven Gundry

Smart Supplementation

Many people question if the money they spend on supplements is worth the investment.

Each week I spend a good bit of time laying out my supplements and putting them in a tray to help me keep on track each day of the week. You may be doing the same and wonder, “is this all worth it?”

The short answer is a qualified yes!

What are the Pros and Cons of Taking Supplements?

In this article, I’m going to explain four main points regarding supplementation:

  1. Background Information on Supplements
  2. The Pros of Taking Supplements
  3. The Cons of Taking Supplements
  4. Your Next Best Steps

According to the CDC, over half of the U.S. adult population takes at least one supplement (the most common being a multivitamin). I own a market in Florida, and we stock over 5,000 different supplements, so the possibilities for supplementation are extensive.

The term “supplement” means to support or add to. The idea is that a person feels they need more of something for optimal health.

Multivitamins, performance products (such as Whey Protein), and immune support products (such as mushroom formulas) all fall under the supplement category.

You must understand and look for Good MAnufacturing Practice (GMP) on the label of any supplement you put in your body. Why? Because the FDA does not regulate the supplement industry.

The quality players in the industry have worked together to offer the GMP seal of approval. These companies make consistently good products that have minimum guaranteed potency, and their products are free of microorganisms, pesticides, and heavy metal contamination.

You can find GMP products at quality retailers of supplements and brands with their products online.

Be wary of heavily discounted products without the GMP seal on the label.

Pros of Supplementation

Improve Nutrition

It can be challenging to get everything we need through our food alone.

Supplements can be a reliable source of critical vitamins and minerals for our daily nutritional needs. Anyone on a specialty eating plan such as Keto or Vegan will have potential dietary gaps created by their eating choices that can (potentially) be supported through supplementation.

Combat Chronic Disease

Supplements can help combat chronic diseases.

For example, regularly taking fish oil supplements may help lower blood pressure and triglycerides and decrease your risk of heart disease.

Another example is the regular habit of taking natural sleep aids to improve sleep and help prevent future diseases.

Support Imbalances

At Tiger Medical Institute, our physicians practice root cause medicine, which tests extensively to find critical imbalances. Then, they prescribe specific, targeted supplementation to support them.

Our clients report feeling significantly better after 10 – 12 weeks of consistently taking their prescribed supplements.

Cons of Supplementation

Potential Drug Interaction

This is a potential danger zone area for you to consider.

If you are on medications, consult your physician before starting any new supplement, no matter how familiar the supplement is.

Our physicians at Tiger require a full health history intake form to be completed with all supplements and prescription drugs currently being taken before they consider any supplement or prescription plan.

Potential for Waste

It is common for people to read an article, hear about a new study from a friend, or feel a certain way and go to a store and buy a supplement to feel better.

A little of this and a little of that creeps in, and soon, a person is taking multiple supplements with no actual knowledge if what they are taking is helping. The cost in this scenario can be well over $100 a month, potentially wasting real money on products that may be doing nothing.

Without testing, you are guessing.

Dangers of Self-Administration

This is related to the waste problem. When you purchase supplements alone, without consulting a doctor, you could create dangerous interactions in your body with drugs you are already taking. Additionally, you could be improperly dosing, causing excessive amounts of a compound in your body with dangerous longer-term consequences.

The solution is to work with your doctor or find a doctor to choose the correct supplements for your unique circumstances and medical history.

Conclusion and Next Best Steps

Under the care of a board-certified physician with appropriate testing, supplementation can be an effective way to optimize your health.

At Tiger Medical Institute, we utilize advanced, customized testing based on the unique aspects of each client’s health history to then create a highly targeted supplementation plan.

When supplementation is completed at this level of specificity, excellent results can occur.

If you are serious about maximizing the impact of supplementation, ask your doctor to help you create a customized supplementation plan.

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

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