Preventive Medicine - What Real Customers Have to Say - Tiger Medical Institute

Preventive Medicine - What Real Customers Have to Say

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“An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure.” ~ Ben Franklin

Preventive Medicine - What Real Customers Have to Say

What is the Value of Prevention?

Ben Franklin’s famous quote on prevention is timeless. To frame the question, let’s examine an example.

Suppose you ignore Ben Franklin’s advice and choose to smoke, eat a fun but terrible diet, and live a sedentary lifestyle for decades.

In this example, the bill comes due in middle age.

First, statin drugs lower your cardiovascular markers. Perhaps the onset of diabetes will set in, and the general degradation of your energy and overall health will continue on as the years’ progress.

The costs of chronic disease are staggering. To properly care for you if you have a heart attack will cost an average of $760,000. The annual cost to treat diabetes is $16,752.

Examples abound of the heavy toll an unhealthy lifestyle are placed on our insurance, government payor system, and personal budget. Thus, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure!

You may be asking yourself the following question. “What can I do in light of the many options and conflicting studies to prevent chronic disease?” It’s a fair question.

This article will share what clients of Tiger Medical are saying about investing in a proactive, preventative medicine program.

The article will also explain how Tiger Medical approaches prevention.

What are Tiger Clients Saying?

John is a successful dentist, owning multiple practices, who suffered from poor sleep, low energy, and other health challenges for over a decade. Here is what Dr. John has to say about Tiger Medical:

I joined the Tiger program because it’s data-driven and comprehensive. It’s been fantastic! I’ve lost 16 pounds; I no longer need my reflux medicine or CPAP machine, and my sleep is vastly improved. My stress is 70% lower, I never feel stressed as I move through my day in the clinic. I paid for the entire program in the first 90 days. It’s everything I hoped it would be and more. It’s a life-changer for me and it will be for anyone who joins the program…if they do the work. For those who are over 40 today, you are lucky, the Tiger program exists for you to benefit from. I wished I could have done this 30 years ago.

Dr. Walter Hunt is also a very successful dentist and practice owner who struggled with extra pounds, low energy, and a few other challenges. He explains below:

I was struggling with low energy, poor sleep, lowered resilience, anxiety, achy joints, and muscles. Today, all those problems have been resolved completely. I tried methods backed by studies, but none of them worked. If you’ve tried a lot of things and feel you aren’t improving, or you don’t want to try the “trial and error” method, which is slow and expensive, if you want to get better more reliably, then you should move forward with the Tiger program. It’s fantastic!

How Does Tiger Medical Approach Prevention?

Choosing a health optimization program is a critical and challenging decision. It will require a significant investment of your funds, so you should choose one that is an excellent fit for your goals.

In our research, We’ve learned that people get excellent results with programs that include the following components:

Tiger Medical Institute will be an excellent choice if you want to find all these components in a single program.

Tiger Medical’s program includes those best practices with the following added features:

What is the Next Best Step for You?

If you’ve learned enough and want to learn about the next steps, click here to speak with one of our professionals for a valuable assessment consultation.

Since you are here visiting our website, we encourage you to go to these articles to help you choose a preventative health program that is a good fit for you:

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

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