How Do I Stop Feeling Anxious All the Time? - Tiger Medical Institute

How Do I Stop Feeling Anxious All the Time?

15 minutes  to read
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“Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

The Constriction of Stress & Anxiety

We’ve all been there – the times when we are stressed and anxious.

We may understand the reason why we are stressed. Other times we can’t quite pinpoint the reason why.

Whatever the case, we hate feeling anxious. We loathe the feeling.

The moment we feel anxious, we want to find an escape.

Thankfully, there are some things we can do to stop from feeling anxious all the time.

We shall review how to do so below!

7 Ways to Stop Feeling Anxious All the Time

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing

According to MD Anderson Center…

“What it is: Consciously controlling an automatic process

How to do it: Close your eyes and pull as much air as you can into your lungs. Try to take in enough so that your belly actually pokes out. Hold your breath for a couple of beats, then let it out as slowly as possible. Try to breathe out as much air as you can by tightening your abdominal muscles.

Why it works: “The slower you exhale, the more you’ll engage the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming the body down after it’s had a bad fright or shock,” says Wygant. “You can’t be both scared and calm all at once, so focus on lengthening your exhale to get the most out of it. The long exhale is what tells your body everything is OK.””

To get a much deeper understanding in diaphragmatic breathing, see our article, What Makes Diaphragmatic Breathing so Important?

2. Disconnect from Technology

Too much technology can lead to dopamine depletion and exhaustion.

The more prone we are to exhaustion, the less ability we have to think clearly. The less ability we have to think clearly, the greater chance we will increase anxiety.

This increase in anxiety will be due to our inability to self-regulate or manage how we otherwise would respond had we not reached a point of exhaustion.

Disconnecting from technology allows us to replenish our dopamine and avoid the toxicity of what is typically revealed through technology.

Bad news is everywhere. Distraction is a click away. We need to get back to our roots, be silent, and be away from the computer, television, and our phones.

3. Delete Social Media (For a Time)

Everyone is trying to be somebody.

Social media is nothing more than a highlight reel.

When we take social media as reality, we will begin to become anxious because “we aren’t as far as them”, “their life is so much better”, and “they can travel while I’m stuck at home”… little do we realize the mental turmoil and inner stress others are going through.

So many are doing what they can to present themselves as something they are not and suffering for it. Many are in debt, and many have forsaken friends. Many are upsetting their spouse by how they display themselves on social media.

No matter what happens, social media portrays happy externals while forsaking the inner turmoil many are going through.

Disconnecting from social media (even for a time) will help one stop feeling anxious. There will be a decrease in comparison and competitiveness – specifically, comparing oneself to another person and their lifestyle and feeling unnecessary regret, shame, or envy because “our lives are not as good as theirs.”

Detoxing from social media for 1-2 weeks will help answer the powerful question…

“Why am I even on social media?”

If there is no firm answer, then there is no reason to continue using that which wastes time, depletes our happiness, and leads us to anxiety through competition and comparison.

4. Get Proper Sleep

Much of anxiety can be due to a lack of sleep.

Without getting the right sleep, everything else will be affected and crippled. Nothing will be as it should be when we lack sleep.

We become much more susceptible to feeling anxious and stressed and unable to manage our stress.

For tips on how to get better sleep, see our article, Not Sleeping Well? 20 Tips to Getting Better Sleep.

5. Limit Caffeine Intake

Too much caffeine can ramp up our energy levels, leading to anxiety and stress.

If you are “thriving” on more than two cups of coffee, it is time to assess the reality that this could lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.

There is no reason to have more than 2 cups of coffee daily, let alone one.

Focus on small to moderate amounts of caffeine to help lift your mood and give you a boost, but refrain from over-excessive use and dependence on coffee. This could be a factor of constantly feeling stressed and anxious.

6. Connect & Communicate with Others

Relationships are imperative. We are personal beings who were created to connect with each other.

Always strive to connect with those who are genuine and who are willing to hear your concerns.

Sadly, most people are not honest and vulnerable. These words in and of themselves can even be intimidating for others to hear.

The thought of being transparent can spark anxiety. However, those who do so can relate to others more quickly and have deeper relationships.

We were not meant to bear the world on our shoulders, nor were we called to bottle everything up inside. Speaking out most certainly helps.

I remember going through the first 21 years of my life entirely anxious and depressed. I was battling addictions and many things I did not want others to know. It was not until God led me to share with others my struggles and burdens that chains began to fall.

Now, rarely do I struggle with anxiety. Will it occur at certain moments in my life? Sure, but it is most certainly not prolonged.

Share your heart and burdens with those you know you can trust. Watch as you feel less compressed and anxious and become more at peace.

7. Set Small Goals & Monitor to Completion

Sometimes we feel anxious simply because we don’t monitor our goals. We just go through life not knowing exactly what it is we accomplish.

Rarely do we write down our accomplishments and wins.

I have incorporated into my schedule a section to write down three wins for each day. Some examples are the following:

Whatever is a win for you, record these! Having written proof of what you accomplished, you will better remember what you did for the day.

As you do this, you become more confident and self-aware of what matters to you and what you do with each given day over time.

Give yourself a boost of confidence by writing down three wins each day!

Next Steps to Stop Feeling Anxious

Anxiety comes and goes. For many, they believe it is a way of life. They think it is simply how they are born, and nothing can be done to change it or lessen it. This is a poor and inaccurate view.

By taking action on the steps above, at worst you will experience less anxiety. At best, you will set yourself up to handle difficulties with more of a level head and not give way to anxiety as you otherwise would.

Our team at Tiger Medical has the experience, clinical skills, and coaching acumen to help you manage and eradicate your anxiety and get your health and energy back.

To talk to one of our professionals, click here to schedule your call!

For further reading, view the following articles on our learning center:

Lance VanTine

Lance VanTine

Client Success Manager

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