Who Should I See if I Think I Have Anxiety? - Tiger Medical Institute

Who Should I See if I Think I Have Anxiety?

8 minutes  to read
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“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” ~ Charles Spurgeon

Who Should I See if I Think I Have Anxiety

Anxiety is a Major Problem

According to a National Institutes of Health study, as many as 31% of adults struggle with anxiety at some point, which means you aren’t alone.

There are four levels of anxiety:

  1. Mild anxiety
  2. Moderate anxiety
  3. Severe anxiety
  4. Panic level anxiety

These levels are based on the level of distress and impairment they cause.

This article aims to help you determine who to see rather than avoid treatment or self-diagnose and treat.

In this article, it will explore three main points:

  1. The Problem of Anxiety
  2. Approaches to Anxiety
  3. How Tiger Medical Approaches Anxiety

The Problem of Anxiety

First, think through the level of anxiety you may have. It’s not vital you be absolutely correct. However, the better you can describe your symptoms, the more a professional can help.

Anxiety has become a common problem in our modern society where we are tethered to our devices, always available, and always on. Anxiety tends to impact women more than men according to the same NIH study referred to above.

The most important point is to seek help.

Medical Approaches to Fatigue

First, seek help from your primary care provider if you have an ongoing relationship with them. They are skilled in assessing your situation and providing options. They may refer you to a mental health professional.

A psychiatrist or psychologist can help you assess the level of anxiety you have and provide either prescription drugs, ongoing therapy, or both.

A functional or integrative medical approach will involve an extensive intake process to understand medications, lifestyle habits, life circumstances, and health history. The testing approach will delve deeper into additional areas in a holistic approach to finding the root cause or underlying physiological imbalances driving anxiety symptoms.

Functional physicians do not typically have payor restrictions imposed on traditional medical practices. Thus, they can engage in extensive root-cause investigative testing to resolve your fatigue.

Diaphragmatic breathing, sleep optimization, and daily movement can have a significant impact on anxiety symptoms.

Additionally, extensive testing of the gut biome, blood markers, and genetics can provide additional insights.

How Tiger Medical Approaches Resolving Fatigue

Tiger Medical Insitute is a specialty medical clinic focused on advanced restorative medicine.

Our focus is on the driven professional who has achieved success but feels their health has been compromised and wants to get ahead of any severe issues proactively.

Tiger employs a three-step process with each patient that has proven to work repeatedly in resolving underlying causes of common symptoms such as anxiety.

These symptoms keep you from showing up as the best version of yourself.

Here is how Tiger Medical helps:

  1. Test for underlying mechanisms driving your fatigue.
  2. Customize treatment and lifestyle changes specifically for anxiety.
  3. Partner with your Tiger doctor and health coach to implement the plan for a year!

Tiger Medical employs advanced tests to view your health profile comprehensively. You complete a health history survey, and our doctor review, interview, and customize your testing based on what they learn about you.

From test results, we customize your health recovery path. You then enter into the Tiger Medical process that generates results consistently over time.

You can go here to learn from previous Tiger clients how our approach worked for them!

Lastly, Tiger Medical physicians and health coaches have had excellent outcomes working with clients that struggle with anxiety.

Your Next Best Steps

If, based on the information you have reviewed here in our article and on our website, you feel Tiger Medical is a good fit, then the next best step is to go here to book an assessment call with a Tiger Professional.

In this first call, the meeting is about learning your history, struggles, and goals. This is a valuable assessment process that aids you in deciding if one of Tiger’s programs works to meet your needs.

We want to ensure that you are a good fit for our program and that our Tiger team can help you resolve your challenges.

It’s time to make yourself patient number one and embrace self-care.

patient number one

The first step in that process is to meet with us to learn how!

For further reading, view the following articles on our learning center:

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

Does Anxiety Run in Families? How Inheritance May Play a Role

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