3 Ways to Boost Energy and Stop Feeling So Tired - Tiger Medical Institute

3 Ways to Boost Energy and Stop Feeling So Tired

9 minutes  to read
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“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel, and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” ~ Tony Robbins

“I feel exhausted in the morning when I wake up.”

This is an unfortunate yet widespread phrase uttered by many who regularly struggle with over-tiredness and energy depletion.

The difference in productivity on a day when energy is present compared to a day when energy is lacking is significant.

You can scour the internet for hours, searching for the “perfect cure” to end your energy and tiredness problems. But, there lies the problem.

There are too many things to try!

This article aims to provide you with three simple strategies for boosting your energy quickly to get you back to being your productive, practical self.

1. It Starts With Sleep

When you wake up, you know if you slept well or not. You either open your eyes naturally and feel refreshed or wake up depleted and exhausted to the sound of your alarm.

Sadly, there’s usually no in-between.

Here are a few simple tricks for getting consistent quality sleep:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every night, seven days per week.
  2. Wake up in the morning at the same time, seven days per week.
  3. Stop eating 2-3 hours before lying down for bed.
  4. Develop a short, night-time routine that helps you prepare for rest.
  5. Avoid drinking too many liquids within an hour of bed.

These are just a few to get you started.

The importance of sleep as it relates to daytime energy levels and productivity is paramount.

Your ability to recover determines your ability to perform.

If you’re struggling to have energy during the day and you’re not currently prioritizing your sleep, you’ve found your starting point!

Stress + Rest = Growth

The above equation is commonly used in the fitness world as a way of teaching individuals how to develop strength.

The idea is if you stress the muscle and allow it to rest, then growth will occur.

The same thing applies to your energy levels.

You see, stress is cumulative. It adds up! All day long, through your environment, conversations, work-related items, exercise, and other things, you are continually pressing the “stress” button.

This is where the second strategy for developing better energy comes in…

2. Prioritize Diaphragmatic Breathing

If you lose control of your breath, you lose control of your body and brain.

Due to the stressors of everyday life, your natural breathing pattern changes from slow, controlled breathing to short, shallow chest breathing.

In its essence, there’s nothing wrong with this. Your body and brain are simply adapting to meet the demands of your situation.

The issue is that your brain doesn’t recognize the difference between a real stressor (being chased by a lion) and a perceived one (thinking about the upcoming work deadline).

So, regardless of your situation, it’s easy to become stuck in this shallow breathing pattern.

Here are a few tips on how to practice diaphragm breathing:

  1. Find a relaxing, quiet space.
  2. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  3. As you breathe in slowly, expand your stomach like an inflated balloon.
  4. As you breathe out, feel your expanded stomach contract back towards your spine.
  5. Repeat this as often as you feel necessary to bring yourself from a place of stress to a calm place.

By regularly implementing this practice, you begin to teach your nervous system how to come to a state of balance, regain an appropriate response to the environment around you, and significantly improve energy levels.

3. Move It or Lose It!

With the creation of the “9 to 5” work schedule, we’ve become a sedentary society.

Due to the constant demands of work, many people sit at their computers for hours on end (even to the extent of working through meals or skipping them altogether).

For your energy levels to be at their best, you must make time to move regularly.

Here are a few ways you can get up and get moving:

  1. Stand up and stretch for 30 seconds at the end of each work meeting.
  2. When you enter a new room, do ten body squats.
  3. After using the bathroom (and exiting the bathroom), do five push-ups.
  4. Go for a walk during your lunch break.
  5. Join a group fitness class with some friends.
  6. Begin working with a personal trainer.
  7. Take your dog for a walk (if you don’t have one, don’t pretend)!

I like to say, “movement is movement.” It doesn’t matter what it looks like or how/when it happens.

Just keep moving!

It’s Back to the Basics

So, as you can see, gaining energy throughout the day just means getting back to the basics.

Start with sleep, as your ability to recover will determine your ability to feel energized. Then, consider working your way into developing a breathing and movement habit!

Book a call today if you want to speak to a professional at Tiger Medical Institute to learn more about proper sleep, diaphragmatic breathing, and healthy movement.

Collin Adams

Collin Adams

Health Coach

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