Can You Reverse Cardiovascular Disease - Tiger Medical Institute

Can You Reverse Cardiovascular Disease

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“The problem with heart disease is that the first symptom is often fatal.” ~ Michael Phelps

Cardiovascular Disease – Is It Reversible?

The answer to this question needs to be precise; semantics matter here.

Can one reverse cardiovascular disease once they have it? The consensus answer in the medical profession is no.

Can one vastly reduce their personal risks associated with cardiovascular disease? The answer is a resounding yes!

In this article, we will go over these three points:

  1. How to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk
  2. Medical Professionals to Consider for Help
  3. How Tiger Medical Reduces Cardiovascular Risk

How to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

A way to truly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease progressing to a critical point is to pursue a holistic root-cause approach.

To reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease progression, attacking the underlying root causes, in addition to medicating symptoms, is going to yield better outcomes.

This would include testing and evaluating toxins, hormones, gut microbiome, and genetics for predispositions to be aware of. The physician will also address stress triggers that contribute to adrenal problems and add to your risk of progression.

A good care protocol will also include addressing inflammation and oxidative stress. Both contribute to the formation of any disease, and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease progression will contribute to lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Finally, lifestyle factors will also play a significant role in re-engineering your life to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease progression.

In summary, when you follow traditional medicine standards of care (i.e., proper imaging to analyze progression and risk, medications to mitigate risk) along with sound root-cause medical approaches and make the necessary lifestyle changes, you can create the conditions for vastly improved outcomes.

Medical Professionals to Consider for Help

The first step always is your primary care physician – they know your medical history best. They are positioned to refer you to specialists to follow traditional medical standards of care for cardiovascular disease.

For root-cause medicine, look for a physician who is board-certified or trained in functional medicine. You can go to to learn about functional medicine and a list of practitioners.

Tiger Medical Institute allows patients to work with highly trained integrative physicians trained in both traditional and functional medicine.

Tiger physicians are experienced in applying both approaches to medicine to achieve good outcomes in reversing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Remember, these conditions cannot be cured. However, risk can be mitigated if you are prepared to go through the process and make necessary changes.

How Tiger Medical Can Help You Reduce Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Progression

If you work with Tiger Medical staff, you will establish an extensive medical data baseline to establish the truth about your health. Testing will establish information in all the areas mentioned above to form a holistic picture of your cardiovascular disease.

From this mosaic of health data, Tiger clinicians connect the dots from all testing and imaging to create a personalized medical treatment plan to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease progression.

Tiger clinicians understand the identification and treatment of cardiovascular disease and have successfully helped individuals reduce cardiovascular disease risk and improve a myriad of biomarkers as a result.

What Are My Next Best Steps?

If, based on the information you have reviewed here on our website, you feel Tiger is a good fit, then the next best step is to go here to book a call with a Tiger Professional.

In this first call, the meeting is about learning your history, struggles, and goals. We want to ensure that you are a good fit for our program and that our Tiger team can help you resolve your challenges.

A faster step is to consider Tiger’s Health Assessment for $497. This is a way to learn where you are today to fully inform your decision to work with Tiger or not.

You can go here: Health Assessment.

Do something today to begin your journey to optimal health!

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

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