Why Does Preventive Medicine Cost So Much? - Tiger Medical Institute

Why Does Preventive Medicine Cost So Much?

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“The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.” ~ Hippocrates

What Is Preventative Medicine & Why It Matters

Preventative Medicine is a new wave of health care that focuses on preventing one from getting sick by understanding one’s genetic makeup and implementing sound habits. The aim of preventative medicine is the absence of disease.

Rather than getting sick and then seeing a doctor, preventative medicine puts the individual in charge. It equips them with the knowledge and tools necessary to remain healthy and perform at their best.

Without becoming patient number one, we will quickly fall into a state of pushing through and beyond what we should.

If we don’t understand our genetic makeup, and if we aren’t implementing the correct habits needed to stay energetic and healthy, we will find ourselves ill in both the short-term and the long-term.

The short-term will be undesired states of living for but a time, but the long-term can be prolonged and damaging for the rest of our lives.

Preventative Medicine seeks to keep us in our healthiest state, and the cost is most certainly worth the investment.

This article will unpack three main reasons why preventative medicine is expensive. They are as follows:

  1. Not covered by insurance.
  2. A wide range of testing.
  3. A personalized program.

Not Covered By Insurance

Our current healthcare system tends not to reimburse providers involved with preventative care and proactive medicine. This is not to speak ill of local healthcare providers but to gauge the reality of current events.

Due to this predicament, preventative medicine is 100% out of pocket.

The private pay can be grueling for some. However, focusing on the long-term benefits of the investment can help adjust one’s mindset.

Like investing in stocks, the long-term effects may take some time until there is a visible profit or an apparent change in how one feels.

A Wide Range of Testing

Great preventative medicine programs provide a wide range of different tests.

These tests help individuals understand what they are more predisposed to, what is going on on a cellular level, and what can be done to address what is revealed adequately.

It has been noted that heart disease and strokes are primarily caused by poor nutrition and obesity. In the United States, 90% of the $4.1 trillion annual healthcare expenditures are for people with chronic and mental health conditions.

We at Tiger Medical have a comprehensive, root-cause approach to all medical conditions. Our testing involves a wide range, including:

By having the appropriate tests done, one can be better equipped with going into the future, knowing that they are well prepared to face coming adversity.

By doing what needs to be done now, we can eliminate, slow, or reduce certain sicknesses and illnesses that would have otherwise gone and offset our state of being.

A Personalized Program

The best programs, services, and products are tailored to fit individual needs.

A personalized program tailored for you can be expensive, but the investment is well worth it.

Individuals are often given a pill or some other form of help when sick. Rather than looking at the root cause, what is revealed on the outside is addressed.

I remember when I was diagnosed with ADHD in college. I was prescribed Adderall by my local physician. The side effects far outweighed the pros.

I could focus better, but I became depressed, habitually angry, and did not want to eat, and, as a collegiate soccer athlete, I lost 15 pounds. I quickly got off the prescription some months later.

Fast-forward, I went to a neurologist. After looking at the root cause and doing some neurofeedback, we found that my beta wavelengths (associated with anxiety level) were off the charts! Since these were heightened, it automatically made me less capable of focusing.

After 6-12 months of training, my beta wavelengths became balanced, and I could focus. What was deemed as ADHD was my beta wavelengths being too high - causing anxiety, which led to a lack of ability to focus.

Not everything is as it seems on the surface. Usually, there is something deeper going on at the root level. By taking care of the root cause, one can more carefully address what is causing the underlying problem that can be visibly seen.

Proactive Care Is An Effective Solution & Should Be Seriously Considered

Taking time to invest in yourself can be the most significant investment.

You can better care for those around you by placing yourself as patient number one.

Doing what is necessary to fight potential illnesses and coming sicknesses starts with being proactive. This is the new wave of healthcare, and it is influencing and impacting the lives of those who are willing to make the investment and do the work.

Here at Tiger Medical, we have several programs for one to get started on their preventative medicine journey.

For further reading on preventive medicine and our programs, view the following articles at our learning center:

You have what it takes inside you to make a definite choice that will change the future trajectory of your health.

Our team at Tiger Medical has the experience, clinical skills, and coaching acumen to help you get your health and energy back.

To talk to one of our professionals, click here to schedule your call!

Lance VanTine

Lance VanTine

Client Success Manager

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