Who Should I See for Burnout? - Tiger Medical Institute

Who Should I See for Burnout?

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“In a culture fueled by burnout, a culture that has run itself down, our national resilience becomes compromised. And when our collective immune system is weakened, we become more susceptible to viruses that are part of every culture because they’re part of human nature - fear-mongering, scapegoating, conspiracy theories, and demagoguery.” ~ Arianna Huffington

Who Should I See for Burnout?

Burnout involves stress due to a lack of workplace boundaries, toxic culture, and unfair expectations. When we also lack the tools to manage negative emotions and feelings about workplace stress, it can lead to burnout.

How bad is it? A recent survey by the American Psychological Association examined 1,501 workers, with 79% experiencing burnout at their current job.

Considering approximately 130 million adults in the U.S. are in the workforce, a stunning 102 million adults in the U.S. suffer from some level of burnout. You have a lot of miserable people feeling the same way you do.

If you are experiencing the discouraging effects of burnout, this article will address specific options for you to seek treatment and gain victory over burnout.

Note these strategies are from a medical perspective. You may need to significantly change your work environment or find a new job to prevent burnout from becoming a recurring issue.

This article will address the following:

  1. What Are the Medical Approaches to Burnout?
  2. How Does Tiger Medical Treat Burnout?
  3. Who Should I See for Burnout?

What Are the Medical Approaches to Burnout?

The first approach is traditional Western medicine, which you will experience with your primary care physician. This is an excellent place to start.

Your doctor knows you better than anyone medically. You must share this information with your doctor, who will evaluate your health data and provide a suggestion or a referral.

Your primary care physician may refer you to a mental health professional, as common mental health conditions will include psychological and physical fatigue and burnout as symptoms.

Ruling this out will likely be part of your primary care doctor’s plan.

A third option is to seek care from a functional medicine physician. This can be done locally or in a specialty clinic like Tiger Medical Institute.

Functional medicine is an approach to medicine that is holistic and root-cause. The goal is proactive treatment before a condition turns into a severe problem.

How Does Tiger Medical Treat Burnout?

The process at Tiger Medical always stays the same.

If you work with Tiger Medical staff, you will establish an extensive medical data baseline to establish the truth about your health. This baseline includes brain imaging, cardiovascular imaging, genetics testing, hormone, blood biomarker, and gut microbiome testing.

From this mosaic of health data, Tiger clinicians connect the dots from all testing and imaging to create a personalized medical treatment plan for you.

Tiger clinicians understand the drivers of cellular health and will go to work treating the imbalances limiting your cellular health today.

Upon attaining relevant medical data and creating a customized treatment plan, you’ll then enter bi-weekly coaching sessions with a health coach in consultation with Tiger doctors to help you implement the treatment plan and eight health habits. Some of these habits will be excellent strategies to mitigate the impact of workplace stress.

The root cause of your physical burnout will be identified in the testing, and a plan to address it successfully will be included in your personalized medical plan and health coaching.

Who Should I See for Burnout?

Suppose your budget is limited, requiring you to rely on your health insurance plan for treatment. In that case, your best option is to work with your local primary care physician or mental health professional if you have discretionary income to invest proactively in your health.

Learning about how Tiger Medical Institute can help you can be an attractive and successful treatment option.

Tiger Medical Institute’s comprehensive and integrated approach successfully resolves various health issues familiar to overworked and stressed professionals.

What Are My Next Best Steps?

If, based on the information you have reviewed here on our website, you feel Tiger is a good fit, then the next best step is to go here to book a call with a Tiger Professional.

In this first call, the entire meeting is about learning your history, struggles, and goals. We want to ensure that you are a good fit for our program and that our Tiger team can help you resolve your challenges.

It’s time to make yourself patient number one and embrace self-care.

The first step in that process is to meet with us to learn how!

For further reading, view our articles on our learning center on:

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

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