What Are the Best Time Blocking Apps? Who Can Help - Tiger Medical Institute

What Are the Best Time Blocking Apps? Who Can Help

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“Time and tide wait for no man.” ~ Geoffrey Chaucer

How not to be distracted? Time Blocking Apps

We are Distracted

Flow is an optimal state of consciousness where you work and feel your best.

Flow is when you can concentrate your mind for 60 – 90 minutes on one very strategic task that will move your agenda forward. In flow, we are 500% more productive.

Unfortunately, in our always-available, always-on world dominated by smartphones, we are lucky if we get an hour or two of flow time in a month!

In my book, Unleash the Peak Performer Within You, you can learn how to get 2 hours of flow or more daily! How? Time–blocking.

In this article, we will review the following:

  1. The Best App to Help You Focus
  2. A System to Apply Time-Blocking
  3. A Review of How Tiger Medical can Help You Focus

The Best App to Help You Focus

Two apps were tested for this comparison article. Focus Keeper and TimeBloc.

I found TimeBloc to be a frustrating experience with little I could do without upgrading. I recommend you pass on even trying it.

Focus Keeper on the other hand, was inexpensive and very simple.

The goal is not a massive list of features but a device to help you get into a time block with a bit of pressure from a running clock. This is what Focus Keeper enables you to do.

I created a straightforward task: Write an article, then touch it in the app, and it launches.

No playing with the app; go right into your assignment. Simple, easy, and not distracting!

A System to Apply Time-Blocking

The big idea behind time-blocking is you are scheduling a focused period around a single task.

Flow is not spontaneous. You must schedule your periods of extreme focus and concentration, knowing what you will work on ahead of time so you slide right into the work.

I work from a goal stack. This is a system of starting with a big goal over five years, working backward to annual, quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals.

Each week set aside an hour to plan the week. Set up at least one or two 60 – 90 minute blocks of time in your peak work period (morning or evening, depending on your chronotype) each day of the week.

I recommend a paper calendar where you have to write out these planning blocks of time, but it certainly can be done electronically if you work better that way. You know exactly what you will work on each week and day.

The danger for type A individuals is putting too much down each week.

Trust me, attempt less, do it better. You’ll gain so much momentum you won’t need to overload your plan for the week.

A Review of How Tiger Medical can Help You Focus

Good physiology or health precedes harnessing the power of flow.

The process at Tiger Medical never changes.

If you work with Tiger Medical staff, you will establish an extensive medical data baseline to establish the truth about your health. Research is conclusive.

From this mosaic of health data, Tiger clinicians connect the dots from all testing and imaging to create a personalized medical treatment plan for you.

Tiger clinicians understand the drivers of cellular health and will go to work treating the imbalances limiting your cellular health today.

While completing testing and receiving a customized treatment plan, you’ll work with a health coach in consultation with Tiger doctors to help you implement the treatment plan and eight health habits.

The root cause of your inability to consistently focus will be identified in the testing, and a plan to address it successfully will be included in your personalized medical plan and health coaching.

When you make the changes our Tiger doctor recommends, you’ll find yourself energized and able to get into flow more readily and begin to produce world-class work product!

What Are My Next Best Steps?

If, based on the information you have reviewed here on our website, you feel Tiger is a good fit, then the next best step is to go here to book a call with a Tiger Professional.

In this first call, the meeting is about learning your history, struggles, and goals. We want to ensure that you are a good fit for our program and that our Tiger team can help you resolve your challenges.

It’s time to make yourself patient number one and embrace self-care.

The first step in that process is to meet with us to learn how!

Steve Adams

Steve Adams

CEO & Co-Founder

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